Double Pane Vinyl Windows

Replacing aluminum windows with double pane vinyl windows

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If you have ever had to live with those old aluminum windows and window hardware, you know the problem. There's nothing nice about those ugly old windows. This site outlines our experience, and what you can expect, replacing those old windows with new double pane vinyl windows and window hardware.


This site sells no window products, services or window hardware. It is informational in content only.


Our home had those ugly old aluminum windows. The wife wanted to get the exterior of the house painted, but there were a few things I knew needed to be done first - things that would have required repainting. One thing, of course, was insulation. Since insulation companies need to drill a lot of holes in the walls, you need to have that done before you get the exterior painted. Having gotten the walls insulated (and the patch work was so good you could barely see the patches) we set about our next exterior painting prerequisite... The windows!


The neighbors windows

I had often seen neighbors window installations where the window installers would have to patch stucco (or what ever external material is used on the exterior walls) - and around the windows. I didn't realize that installers had a different methods of installing windows, because those methods leave no telltale stucco patches. It turns out that stucco patching is required only if you go with complete frame replacement installation method.


If the new window frames are installed 'over' the old aluminum window hardware, then no exterior patching is needed.


Each window installation company has their preferred method of installing, so if you prefer one method over the other, you should mention that before scheduling a meeting with a contractor - that saves everyone the wasted time.


But at this point, you probably don't know which installation method is best for you. That's fine, talk to window installers of both types. They will each claim their method is best, obviously, and that's where you will have to evaluate their claims to suit your best interest.


I will tell you, that the installing vinyl windows over the old aluminum frame (no stucco patching) does reduce the viewable area of the window, but by an insignificant amount - not worth the extra cost of methods that remove the old frame. At least that's the opinion of yours-truly, but it's your opinion that counts when it comes to new window hardware.


No stucco damage

Another benefit of vinyl window frame over old aluminum frame installation is that you have no worries about whether the new stucco patch texture will match the original stucco texture pattern. Imagine the predicament if the texture of the stucco patch didn't match the original! But again, do the homework, talk to neighbors, view their results for yourself, and decide which method is right for you.


Obviously, we went with the vinyl frame over aluminum frame installation method, and the smaller viewable area is a non-issue for us.


See the menu on the right (and above) for the next step in the process. The information below might be of interest too. Like it says, let me know if you can think of any aluminum framed window negatives that I didn't think of. It might be kind of fun, and I'll include credits (your name) if you like,


Here's a rundown of what's wrong with old aluminum windows and hardware.

Let me know if you can think of any others - It could be fun, and you get the credit:


They are unattractive and cheep looking. You can travel down any residential street and notice right away how much better a home with new double pane vinyl windows looks compared to the homes with old aluminum windows and hardware. The appearance alone helps improve you property values and desirability of the neighborhood.


Old windows are cold and noisy. True they'll keep out the wind, but they do nothing to insulate the home from the elements. Heat in the summer, cold in the winter, they're terrible. The only noise they can keep out is from the birds chirping in the spring time. Any other sounds come right through, interrupting sleep or peace and quiet.


Aluminum windows offer no window security - they are the easiest thing to jimmy open. I used to do it all the time when I was a kid and I would forgot my key. Anyone could have done it. You might as well leave the front door unlocked when you leave for work.


Perhaps the best security on those old windows was the screen. Have you ever tried removing one of those things for cleaning? Next to impossible! And worse yet, trying to put a screen back in place without damaging it - well, lets not even talk about that.


Please view the vinyl window pictures below and continue reading about old window hardware replacement with new vinyl windows.




Nice new vinyl windows: Deadbolt Latches Latch closeup   Top


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